The load cells / compression load cells measure static and dynamic forces. Only two sizes cover nominal loads from 5 kN to 200 kN. Screw threads on the bottom side make them easy to mount. Force is introduced via a convex area in the centre. This is why force transducers with this geometry are often referred to as LB force transducers.
The load cells / compression load cells measure static and dynamic forces. Only two sizes cover nominal loads from 500 N to 100 kN. Through bores make it easy to mount. Force is introduced via a convex area in the centre. This is why force transducers with this geometry are often referred to as LB force transducers.
Compression force transducers (jump ring) measure static and dynamic loads. Only two sizes cover nominal loads from 100 to 500 kN. A drilling on the bottom side makes them easy to mount. Force is introduced via a flat surface in the centre with a matching counterpart.
These force transducers are characterised by their small sizes which makes them perfect for installation in narrow spaces. They need only a flat surface as a base. Force is introduced via a convex area in the centre that does not mind minor tilting. Mounting holes (only type 1) at the bottom side guarantee secure attachment withing the application.
You need a load cell specifically customized to your needs? No problem! Whether shape or design, material or ports, analog or digital output signals – our team develops the load cell you need, single-handedly or in cooperation with your team. Our staff has not only the know-how and years of experience in developing force measuring technology but also the required tools and machines to make the prototype you need.
Primosensor GmbH
Lagerstraße 11
64807 Dieburg / Germany
Phone: +49 6071 63467-50
Fax: +49 6071 63467-60
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