Calibration services
for the measurand "force"

The calibration of devices and systems is of crucial importance when it comes to the accuracy and reliability of measurements. This also applies to force transducers or force sensors. Especially when they are used in applications that are subject to specified standards, a corresponding calibration certificate is often also relevant.

Arguments in favour of calibrating force transducers

Ensure accuracy

Uncalibrated sensors can provide inaccurate measured values, leading to incorrect results. Calibration identifies deviations and errors. The resulting (re-)adjustment improves the accuracy of the measurements.

Many applications require compliance with certain standards and regulations. Calibration ensures that the sensors meet these standards and therefore fulfill the quality and safety requirements.

Inaccurate sensors and the resulting faulty measurements may mean that critical conditions in machines and systems cannot be detected in good time. This increases the risk to people and machines in applications that involve the detection of risky conditions, such as overload monitoring.

Inaccurate measurements can lead to faulty products in production and thus to rejects. Timely and regular calibration of the force transducers reduces errors. This improves production quality and reduces costs.

Sensors drift over time, which leads to a gradual deterioration in accuracy. Regular calibration identifies deviations at an early stage.

Calibrated sensors guarantee reliable measurement results. This is particularly important in areas such as medical technology or safety applications where precise measurements are crucial.

Regular calibration ensures that measurements can be traced back to known reference standards. An important aspect for the traceability of measurements and the validation of test results.

Creation of factory calibration certificates

Primosensor offers the creation of factory calibration certificates (ISO certificates) in various versions for Primosensor tension and compression force transducers and force measuring units. Calibration certificates for tensile and/or compressive forces and the load levels or nominal loads (Fnom) from 1 kN to 100 kN are available as standard. For higher forces on request.

As a reference, we use DaKKs-calibrated force sensors in our force standard measuring devices during calibration. This means that our factory calibration certificates guarantee traceability to “national standards”.

Increasing and decreasing tensile and/or compressive forces are continuously applied to the force sensors in the measuring device. The measured values determined are recorded in certain defined stages and the device to be calibrated is compared with the reference.

The Primosensor testing machines work with a measurement uncertainty of <5 x 10-3. The factory calibration certificates issued contain information on both the measurement uncertainty of our testing machine and the measurement uncertainty (“accuracy”) of the calibrated force transducer.

When carrying out the calibration, we are guided by the currently valid norms and standards for the calibration of force transducers. For example, DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 as the globally valid standard for testing and calibration laboratories and ISO 376 and DKD-R 3-3.

Capture multiple loads together

It often makes sense to record and evaluate several loads together. For example, on an elevated platform with multiple lifts, the total load is of interest. In addition, one would like to recognize the overload of a single lifting unit and then interrupt the lifting process. Primosensor’s S-Box fulfills this task. Up to 8 analog signals are summed, each one checked for exceedance of limit value and cable break. The S-Box is suitable and certified for the use of force transducers with a test signal.

Our certifications are currently being renewed. The applications are extended to 2-channel sensors.

Learn more about our product:

S-Box Summing unit

Why a calibration with a test certificate?

Why a calibration with a test certificate? What reasons can lead to the requirement for calibration with a test certificate and what must be taken into account?

It should be noted in advance that our sensors generally undergo several adjustment and calibration cycles before delivery to ensure that they correspond to the specifications in our data sheets and/or drawings.

Reasons for an (additional) calibration certificate:

  • It is often a purely formal requirement of customers, auditors, QM or standards that a corresponding “paper” is available in the form of an ISO certificate.
  • Calibration with a test certificate offers additional application safety through traceability to “national standards” and the specification of measurement uncertainties.
  • (Re-)calibrations ensure compliance with the required measurement uncertainty and thus prevent the negative consequences of inaccurate measurements.
  • The calibration intervals to be observed for recalibration must be determined by the user. ISO 376 specifies a maximum calibration interval of 24 months. However, users often adhere to shorter intervals, such as 12 months.
  • Please note: A calibration is always a backward view and not a prediction of the future behavior of the sensor. It is therefore only valid at the moment of measurement during calibration. For this reason, occasional routine checks of the force sensors or force measuring units at the user’s premises are also recommended between calibration intervals

When should a recalibration be carried out?

  • After expiry of a calibration interval (see above)
  • If it is determined that a sensor is no longer reproducing as it originally did, its measured values deviate significantly.
  • If the sensor has been damaged and repaired

Calibration of force transducers

Load levels 1...100 kN

The following tables show which versions of factory calibration certificates we offer as standard:

1 measurement series upwards

Item number
Type of calibration
Number of measurement series
Calibration levels
Measurement series
Direction of force
Simple test report Delivery bill
3 points Test report
(printed on delivery bill)
1 measurement series upwards
0% / 50% / 100%
Compressive or tensile force
Compressive and tensile force
Manufacturer's test certificate according to DIN 55350 Part 18 4.2.2
5 points Test report
1 measurement series upwards
0% / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Compressive or tensile force
Compressive and tensile force
10 points Test report
1 measurement series upwards
0% / 10% / 20% / 30% / 50% / 60% / 70% / 80% / 90% / 100%
Compressive or tensile force
Compressive and tensile force

1 measurement series upwards and downwards

Item number
Type of calibration
Number of measurement series
Calibration levels
Measurement series
Direction of force
Simple test report Delivery bill
3 points Test report
(printed on delivery bill)
1 measurement series upwards and downwards
0% / 50% / 100%
Compressive or tensile force
Compressive and tensile force
Manufacturer's test certificate according to DIN 55350 Part 18 4.2.2
5 points Test report
1 measurement series upwards and downwards
0% / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Compressive or tensile force
Compressive and tensile force
10 points Test report
1 measurement series upwards and downwards
0% / 10% / 20% / 30% / 50% / 60% / 70% / 80% / 90% / 100%
Compressive or tensile force
Compressive and tensile force

Design variants other than those listed here are available on request.

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