Electronical display units are used for visualisation of process factors. Various input signals (mV/V, mA, V) will be converted in digital displays. The devices are free scalable and equipped with numerous aditional functions, such as mathematical combination of two input signals. Furthermore analog-, switching-, bus- output signals are avilable.
Even if the world became a digital one, you find them in most of the industrial applications – the analog amplifiers. Standard outputs as 0..10 V or 4…20 mA and switching outputs are available in various designs. With a digital core the amplifiers are very flexible due to its pragrammability. If designed pure analog they result in best signal-noise-ratio.
Primosensor GmbH
Lagerstraße 11
64807 Dieburg / Germany
Phone: +49 6071 63467-50
Fax: +49 6071 63467-60
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