Load pins are force transducers, which are used in fork bearings. They replace simple bolts. Upper and lower part of a construction are often linked by load pins. That’s the reason why they are appropriate for load measurement.
The load pins in the heavy duty version are specially designed for use in very rough and demanding environmental conditions. In this corrosion-resistant and high-strength stainless steel version, the sensor elements are protected by laser-welded covers and the amplifier electronics are completely integrated in the measuring axis with the connection plug.
Weight | N/A |
599,00 € – 831,00 €
7,30 € – 16,40 €
14,50 € – 41,90 €
343,00 € – 402,00 €
* gilt für Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands. Lieferzeiten für andere Länder finden Sie unter Zahlung & Lieferung.
Primosensor GmbH
Lagerstraße 11
64807 Dieburg / Germany
Phone: +49 6071 63467-50
Fax: +49 6071 63467-60
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