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Primoforce® SKS Rope Force Sensor

The tensile force on hoist ropes can easily be measured with rope force sensors. The sensors can be installed and operated without having to make changes to the lifting device. An integrated amplifier generates an interference-independent 4…20mA measurement signal that can be sent over long distances to an evaluation unit.
The rope force sensor is suitable for both continuous load monitoring and the detection of overloads and underloads. Together with Primosensor indicators and limit switches, the load can either be visualized and / or the load can be switched off directly.

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Plus 19% VAT
Delivery Time: approx. 4-5 working days *
Artikel-Nr.: SKS Category

* gilt für Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands. Lieferzeiten für andere Länder finden Sie unter Zahlung & Lieferung.

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